Sunday, March 3, 2013

Tweeting & YouTubing

Alright, time for some more site stuff and then we'll get to the reviews, I promise.

Some of you already know this, but for those of you who don't (you know, the other 7 billion of you), I'm on twitter! Yes twitter, that bastion of social media, how could I resist it?
Well, the short answer is, I couldn't. And I didn't really want to. Being on twitter is going to allow me to connect with so many wonderful people and companies that I might not otherwise have been able to meet. I've already following some of my favorite reviewers and companies, and I've been meeting so many amazing people (and having the best/weirdest conversations).
If you'd like to get in on some of this weirdness, you can find me on twitter @SeptimusReviews, or there's a nifty little button right here on the bottom of the blog. Just scroll allllllll the way down and click. Go on, you know how to click, don't you? You just put your lips together and... no wait, that's something else. Never mind.

The other piece of site-related news that I wanted to share with you lovely folks is that I'm also on YouTube now! I've created a "channel" there so that I can post any videos I might make. So far I've just got the little teaser video I put together for my Ina 2 review. But in the future I hope to be able to put together video reviews and product demos (like I sometimes see over at edenfantasys or on toy company's websites). I personally love being able to see how strong/fast a vibe is in a video before I commit to spending my own hard earned cash on it.
So come find me over at the 'Tube, watch some videos (video) and leave a comment or two. I promise I'll love you forever if you do! :o)

That's it for right now. I know these posts aren't very fun and ya'll are just dying to get back to the fun stuff, am I right? So the next post (unless something bizarre comes up in the meantime, and it just might) will be my review of LELO's Ina 2!

Stay tuned!

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