Friday, May 31, 2013

iReview iGino

You guys have no idea how excited I am to finally be reviewing this toy! I wanted to have this review up last week, but real life stuff (specifically planning my wedding) has gotten in the way. But never fear! Septimus is still here, with a review of the...

A little background before we jump right into things?
About a month or so ago, I was approached by the "iGino Team" and asked if I would be interested in reviewing a new and innovative clit-vibe. They sent me their press-packet, which included this video:

I just love the way she says "massager"!

I have to admit that as a DIYer, I love the idea of creating a toy simply because you want to use it, but it's not yet on the market. Whether the iGino is as revolutionary as it claims, remains to be seen, but I have to applaud the initiative.

The iGino is a new clit-vibe that was crowd-funded over at

The whole shebang is the same size and basic shape as an iPhone (hence the name...) so if discretion is important to you, this toy would definitely work, at least on that front. Once you pop open the lid, however, the illusion is shattered (unless the new iPhone comes with a vibrating head? I don't know, I have an Android).

As you can see from the picture, the iGino One has a little, uh, nubby bit on the top. This is the part that you're supposed to press up against your parts. As you might have guessed, it vibrates. Or rather, it employs the iGino's patented "vibraMoove" technology. When I watched the video, I was sort of under the impression that the head would move backward-and-forward and side-to-side, in a circular type movement. But this doesn't seem to be the case. The head does move very quickly, which I count as a plus (since it means more intensity), but that does make it rather difficult to actually watch the movement. As near as I can tell, the head simply moves side-to-side, albeit rather quickly.

I like this movement. I can't exactly tell if it's all that different from other types of vibrations (like the company clearly claims), but when it's pressed up against my clit, I really don't care. It provides a very intense sensation, like a pin-pointed vibration directly to my clit. This is the only toy I have that has such a small head (for lack of a better descriptive term). My other clit-vibe has a much broader area, which allows for more stimulation of my labia and vulva, but less precise stimulation on my clit.
Which do I prefer? Honestly, it depends on what kind of mood I'm in. Generally though, broader stimulation = a more relaxed pace and more build up; and pin-point stimulation = getting off faster and dirtier!

The iGino One also comes with an... attachment? It's this strange little flower like thing:

that you're supposed to slip around the moving head to provide a softer feeling. I've tried it, and let me tell you, it did nothing but get in the way, at least in my humble opinion. After a few uses the little flower (which is just made of plain old foam) warped and deformed and doesn't quite fit anymore. But that didn't really bother me, I wasn't planning on using it much anyway.

An important note:
Remember how I said that the iGino was discreet? Well, that kind of only applies to it's appearance. You might not know what this thing is when you look at it, but turn it on and you'll know exactly what you're looking at. Okay, maybe not exactly. But the choices are going to be either a vibrator, or an electric razor.

Translation = this thing is loud.

I actually tested it, and with the TV on, the iGino running under a blanket, and my door closed, I couldn't hear it. But it took all of that to muffle the sound. So if you're in a shared sleeping-quarters type arraignment and don't want your roommate or partner to know what you're up to, you might want to skip on this one (or buy them a nice pair of noise-cancelling headphones, your choice).

You're probably wondering about the material, well wonder no more, I'm going to tell you all about it. The iGino is made out of a basic hard plastic, which means that it's non-porus and can be easily cleaned with a little bit of anti-bacterial soap and water. I really shouldn't have to spell this out, but DON'T BOIL THIS TOY! Not only will the plastic melt but Hello! it's got a motor and never claims to be water-proof. Again, DO NOT BOIL! You will ruin your toy (and possibly your pride).

The packaging was pretty nice. Not LELO nice, but nice. It comes in a stiff-paper box with a nested lid. I had a hard time getting it open initially, and had to shake the thing a few times to get it loose, not sure how good that is for the toy. Once the box was opened, however, I was really impressed with the contents. The iGino charges via USB, and comes with it's plug built right in, which means that you can go ahead and plug the toy into your computer to charge.

I can't stop flipping this thing open and closed, it's very... fidgety

But what if I don't have a computer? you ask. What if I have to share a lap-top with my little siblings and I'm reading this blog-posting at the library!!! (and I love you for that), never fear! The iGino One can also be charged in an outlet with the USB-to-wall adapter that comes with it. Since the iGino comes from overseas (Europe), the company has very thoughtfully included an additional adapter for American outlets.

It's a little bulky, but it works!


The iGino One is a new clit-vibe that uses a patented technology called "vibraMoove" which kind of just feels like ordinary vibrations. The moving head is very small however, so it gives great pin-pointed stimulation that can get me off fairly quickly when pressed right up against my clit. Be warned: this little thing is loud. The toy is made out of non-porous plastic and can be cleaned (carefully) with antibacterial soap and water. It's USB-chargeable, but comes with everything you'll need to plug the sucker into your wall outlet (American or European).

Would I recommend the iGino One? 
Now, there's a tricky question.

Let's look at the pros and cons, shall we?

  • Compact size
  • Easy to use
  • Pin-Pointed vibrations
  • You'd be helping out a start-up company
  • Really loud
  • Vibrations are similar to other clit-vibes
  • Expensive
On the one hand, it's not a bad little clit-vibe, but at about $100 (which is what the iGino team plans on marketing the toy for), it sure is an expensive little clit-vibe. There are plenty of cheaper toys out there, but at least this one comes with the added benefit of helping out a new company that's trying to market toys people actually want to use.

So in the end, it's your choice. If you're interested in trying out the iGino, you can pick one up over at To my knowledge, this toy is not currently being carried by major retailers, but who knows, that might be right around the corner!

Thank you so much to the iGino Team for sending me this toy in exchange for my honest review! Thanks guys, you really made my day!

P.S. Enjoy the rest of National Masturbation Month while you still can!

*UPDATE   6-2-13* 
I've heard from the people over at iGino that their on-line store is currently undergoing some technical difficulties. I'll let you know as soon as it's back up and you can buy an iGino again!
In the mean time, you can check them out over at twitter, or facebook.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

International Mail-Call!

Welcome to the "International" edition of Mail-Call!

I've gotten some truly awesome stuff in the mail over the last week, and I'm psyched to finally be able to share it with you guys!

First up, all the way from Switzerland (a mere 4,100 miles from my humble home) is the iGino! The iGino is a clit vibe currently being crowd-funded, and one I'm psyched to get to test and review!

Looks just like an iPhone, doesn't it? ...

Then, from a little bit closer to home (at only about 3,900 miles) is La Tour est Folle all the way from, you guessed it, France! I think the picture here speaks for itself...

Guess what this one's supposed to be...

I'm so excited to get to review these toys and share my thoughts with you guys. You can keep an eye out for my review of the iGino sometime before the end of this month, and my review of la tour should be up in June!

Bonus Picture:

The people in customs probably had a good chuckle over this one :o)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

I Dream of A Well Regulated Sex-Toy Industry

Before I get into the meat of this post, I wanted to present you with a little scenario to really set the mood.

Imagine this if you will:

For some time now you have been wanting to by yourself a sex toy. Dildo or vibrator  you don't care, as long as you can have some fun when you're by yourself. So you walk into your very first sex-toy shop. Immediately you are overwhelmed by the sights sounds and smells of all of the various toys on display. You don't even know where to start, there's so much to take in. But then your eye spots a small friendly-looking dildo in the corner. Its packaging proudly proclaims that it is 100% silicone. You don't know much about sex toys, but you know what 100% means, and you've heard that silicone is one of the safest toy materials you can get. You purchase your dildo and immediately take it home to enjoy.
But the next morning, you notice that something is horribly wrong. You're itching and burning in a place that no one ever wants to itch or burn. How could this have happened? You bough a safe toy, didn't you? You double-check your toy's packaging and once again see the bright pink label proclaiming 100% silicone. Unless of course, 100% silicone means different things to different people.

And that, my friends, is one of the sad truths about the sex toy industry. Most of us probably think that we know what 100% silicone means, but we would be wrong. 

100% Silicone can mean that a toy is:

  • A blend of Silicone and PVC (which is porous)
  • Jelly, with a little bit of silicone thrown in (also porous)
  • CyberSilicone (which is a blend of silicone and rubber [porous again])
  • actually 100% silicone (non-porous)
The problem is that the sex toy industry is not regulated. There is no oversight board or committee (like the FDA) to tell us as consumers when a company might not be telling the truth about its materials. If organizations weren't in place to regulate the food industry grocery shopping would be a very different experience. And unfortunately, that's the exact type of experience many of us have when trying to buy sex toys.

So what can be done? 


A brand new non-profit organization that aims to help provide some oversight to the sex toy industry.

How exactly do they propose to do this? you ask. Good question. I'm going to go ahead a let the wonderful people over there tell you all about it:

" intends to provide material verification services and maintain a public database of the results, adding transparency and oversight to the industry while educating the public about the science behind pleasure products. We stand on our own, uninfluenced, and we are dedicated to protecting the health and wellbeing of the dildo-loving population at large through education (and maybe a little entertainment)." is being run by three people who are very passionate about sex toys and safety. They believe that we as consumers deserve not to be lied to by companies trying to pass off materials like PVC and rubber as "100% Silicone". Unfortunately, as most of us know, sex toys can be expensive. What most of us don't know, is that material testing is also quite pricey. And since is committed to remaining a non-profit (which means not taking on advertisers), there are few options for raising the necessary funds.
That means, you guessed it, fund-raising! is currently taking donations to raise the money to purchase and test various toys.

How can you help? Easy, tell your friends, tell your neighbors! Go door-to-door! Help spread the good word of sex toy safety! We all deserve to know what materials are going into toys that we put into our bodies

Door-to-door not your thing? That's totally cool too, you can help by making a donation!

The majority of your donations will go directly to product purchase/testing (with the remainder going to donation incentives, equipment and educational materials).

Why should I donate? you might be asking. What's in it for me? Good questions. 

Well, first of all, you get the satisfaction of knowing that you helped to educate people about what materials are actually going into their sex toys. 
Also, you're helping to force the sex toy industry to be more responsible for the items they create. As it stands now, just about anyone can slap a "100% Silicone" sticker on pretty much any product they choose, and very few people are going to do anything about it. But if companies know that their toys are being independently tested and verified, they're going to think twice before blatantly lying to their consumers.

On top of those amazing (and personally satisfying) incentives, there's more!

How much more you ask? (boy, you ask a lot of questions!)
  • Donate $15 and get a coupon for 15% off at
  • Donate $50 and get a Dildology T-Shirt!
  • Donate $100 and get a spot on the (coveted) Donor List!
  • And much, much more!
(Go to to check out all of the amazing donor incentives!)

So that's it, donate, spread the word, do what you can to help this amazing non-profit get going and help us all! Like I've said many times before, we're consumers in this industry, and there's a surprising amount of power in that position. We're the ones who can make change in this industry, but none of us can do it by ourselves. is going to make a difference to the industry, so donate and be a part of history!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Thursday, May 9, 2013

National Masturbation Month!

Happy National Masturbation Month! I know I'm a little bit late to the party (fashionably late, as I like to think of it), but May is, you guessed it: National Masturbation Month!
Let me say it again, because I really like the way it sounds:

National Masturbation Month!

Ah, doesn't that just sound awesome? And it really is. After all, masturbation is sex with someone you love. Okay okay, I know that's cliche. But there really are advantages to masturbating. Like what? you ask. Good question.
First of all, masturbation is the safest form of sex you can have. You're not going to catch anything, and no one's going to get knocked up.
It's also free! There are obviously more expensive options (ie toys), but almost everybody already comes with the basic equipment they'll need to get started! (your hands/fingers can really be your best friends. Especially if you live in a crowded dorm or don't want to spend money on toys.)

But you don't have to take my word for it. There are lots of more reputable (at least, more reputable than some random blogger on the internet... hi!) sources who'll totally back me up on this one.


Planned Parenthood, who advocate for masturbation as the safest form of sex out there.

And Scarleteen, where you can find lots of fabulous information about how to masturbate. Their site is primarily aimed at teens and preteens, but it's got loads of wonderful information that's great for all of us. Seriously, who couldn't use a refresher about masturbation?

Also, did you know that masturbating can help you lose weight? At least it can if you're replacing snacking with orgasming! Meet the Orgasm Diet! Started by NymphomaniacNess, some of us on twitter (like SugarCunt and others) got really into it and decided to join up.
You can participate too! It's really easy: Instead of reaching for that slice of delicious delicious cake, reach for a dildo instead, and have yourself an orgasm!* (hmm, idea for a new series of YouTube videos... Cake vs. Dildo! There can be only one!)

If you'd like to participate, check it out on twitter!

And finally, in honor of National Masturbation Month, I wanted to give a shout out to a brand new non-profit that is working hard to make sure that our orgasms are safer orgasms.

Dildology is a brand new company that will be testing the materials of different toys and products to let us as consumers know just what exactly is going into our collective vaginas. As they point out, the sex toy industry is unregulated. There's no FDA to prevent companies from masking dangerous chemicals and materials behind the banner of "100% Silicone!". Thus, Dildology was born. I'll be writing more about them soon, but I wanted to give you guys a brief intro here. Go check them out!

Okay, that's it for now, but I've got a lot more cool stuff planned for the rest of the month. I'm hoping to have 2 new reviews up, plus the most awesomest "Mail-Call" post yet. Stay tuned! I'll also be writing more about Dildology, and why we should all get behind their mission statement!

And finally, I will leave you with this:

It makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?

Why are you still reading? I'm done. Go masturbate!

*I can't actually promise that you'll lose weight this way. I'm not a doctor or even a health care professional  I'm a blogger and have no reputable credentials (haven't we been over that before?). But I can promise you that it'll be a hell of a lot more fun than most other diets out there. While all of your friends are counting calories to get in shape for bikini season you'll be having orgasm after orgasm after orgasm. I think you'll agree that that's more fun.